Opportunities for the Strategic Development of Uncrewed Systems
Uncrewed systems impose asymmetric costs when used offensively, which drives a requirement for cost-effective defense

Uncrewed systems offer significant advantages to those military institutions that employ them within the clever and constantly evolving system described as the transformative trinity. To realize the full strategic potential of this approach, changes in people, process, and procurement are necessary.
To that end, the attraction of the right talent must be complemented with the introduction of software that allows for the operation and collaboration of multiple uncrewed systems by individuals. While technological solutions are now appearing on the market for this — described as robotic or drone orchestration — this type of employment will drive the need for new approaches in personnel.
To read the full article, go to: https://warontherocks.com/2024/02/uncrewed-systems-and-the-transformation-of-u-s-warfighting-capacity/. (
Source: War on the Rocks, National Security. For Insiders. By Insiders.)
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