AFA WMC October 2024 Luncheon with Brig. Gen. Schreiner

Brig. Gen. Jeffrey T. “Opie” Schreiner, Director, Air, Space and Cyberspace Operations, Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, was the guest speaker for the October Air & Space Forces Association, Wright-Memorial Chapter (212).
Brig Gen Schreiner shared his thoughts and insights regarding seminal points in our national and military history, what operations (deployments) are like in the real world, and why and how we’re transitioning our current org structure to Combat, Air Base, and Institutional Wings. It was a unique, insightful, and informative chat which included the impacts associated with the fall of the Berlin wall; the withdraw of Iraqi troops in Kuwait; and when the Air Force first delivered the B-2 to Whiteman Air Force Base.
His advice from his experience: When change is coming, avoid the naysayers and hang with the innovators!
Thanks to Ms. Yvonne Vermillion for authoring this event overview!