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Too many CRs will have catastrophic effects on DoD, Air Force official says

AFA WMC encourages all members to contact their local Congressional elected leaders and advocate for passing the Appropriations Bill.

Too many CRs will have catastrophic effects on DoD, Air Force official says

While the latest continuing resolution will keep the government open until March, the Air Force already feels the impact of stopgap spending measures. Undersecretary of the Air Force Kristyn Jones said that budget uncertainty is affecting several initiatives that are part of Secretary Frank Kendall’s series of priorities, also known as operational imperatives. The service will have to delay its Collaborative Combat Aircraft Program, an initiative focused on unmanned combat air vehicles. The Air Force also cannot invest in Agile Combat Employment as the service initially planned. Jones said the failure to pass all 12 regular appropriations will have catastrophic effects on the Defense Department.

Also, the Center for Strategic and International Studies posted a panel discussion entitled “Air Force Priorities in an Era of Strategic Competition” with Honorable Kristyn E. Jones, acting Under Secretary of the Air Force, and Lt. Gen. Richard G. Moore, Jr., the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs. This can be viewed at: Stopgap measures will have long-term effects on DoD - Center for Strategic and International Studies)

A related Federal News Network article titled, "Air Force will lose $13 billion in buying power if Congress doesn’t pass 2024 budget" that's a good read as well.

AFA WMC encourages all members to interact with their local Congressional elected leaders - and impacted community leaders - to advocate for and/or educate them about, the need to address these issues by passing the Appropriations Bill.

Source: Federal News Network, Peter Musurlian